As the leading nonprofit exercise professional and health coach certification organization, our goal is to set the highest industry standards, elevate the careers of professionals and help people worldwide make movement their mission. Our commitment to create global impact inspires us to facilitate partnerships with policymakers, fitness industry leaders, community organizations and the Healthcare Industry. We are determined to expand the healthcare continuum and integrate AIPAS Professionals, so activity is prescribed to prevent inactivity related diseases. By offering accredited certifications, continuing education, and access to science-based health and fitness information, we are investing in our mission to get people moving—so everybody has the resources they need to lead active, healthy lives.
American Institute of Physical Activity Sciences
AIPAS certifies thousands of exercise professionals and health coaches every year by assessing their ability to provide safe and effective programs, while elevating the industry by creating innovative continuing education programs that help move careers forward.
AIPAS commissions, supports and disseminates scientifically-rooted, evidence-based research to evaluate health and fitness programs and practices to ensure that our health and fitness professionals have the latest information and tools to grow their careers.
AIPAS brings movement to the masses by advocating for universal access to health and fitness programs and interventions and investing in underserved communities across the nation through outreach, education and expanded access to health and fitness programs.
AIPAS serves as America’s Authority on Fitness®, moving health and fitness education into the public forum and supporting health and fitness professionals with safe, scientifically-rooted, innovative and effective resources to inspire people to lead healthy, active lives.
AIPAS moves people everywhere towards better health — and towards a better quality of life — by connecting them with AIPAS Certified health and fitness professionals who help them move their goals from a vision to reality.
AIPAS builds meaningful and collaborative relationships with policy makers, industry experts and community leaders to collectively advocate for the power of physical activity as preventative health.
The American Framework of Qualifications (AFQ) is a mechanism for recognising all education and training . The AFQ is a system of ten levels and is used to describe the american qualifications system.
A key element of the AFQ is to improve access (entry) to education and training, transfer within and between education and training and progression within and between education and training. Thus the AFQ aims to make the qualifications system easier to understand, thus facilitating recognition of qualifications both at home and abroad.
Through the American Institute of Physical Activity Sciences (AIPAS) the PESS Department delivers a flexible learning pathway from Certificate Level 6 to B.Sc. Degree in Physical Activity Sciences (AIPAS) (Level 8). The AIPAS is the largest and longest established provider for over 18 years of education and training for Physical Activity Sciences.
Professionals in america. AIPAS offer the ONLY university accredited Physical Activity Sciences Instructor qualifications in AMERICA. Certificate, Higher Certificate, Diploma & Degree qualifications are awarded at Levels 6, 7 & 8 on the America Framework of Qualifications (AFQ). The AIPAS is audited and aligned to the fitness Industry standard, Physical Activity Sciences Specialist (AFQ Level 5).
Full-time, part-time and e-learning programmes are available both in UL and nationwide through certified providers.
You don’t need a college degree, have to look a certain way or have any prior experience as a trainer to become AIPAS Certified. We’re here to help you make the leap from wherever you are to your dream career as a fitness professional.
Your Student Success Coach is specifically dedicated to YOUR success. That’s why AIPAS students have the highest completion rates and passing test scores of any of the top fitness education certification courses. No matter where you live you can study online in your spare time with the help of your Student Success Coach – who’s available to you around the clock.
WE BELIEVE IN YOU even if you don’t yet. And we’re here to help support you even after you’re AIPAS Certified. With continuing education and specialization courses to help enhance your knowledge and success as a fitness professional.